All table vendors must be present at their table for ALL three days. If you are unable to be present for all three days, your request for a table will be denied. As a vendor, you MUST appear welcoming and be prepared to engage with every potential customer. Remember that your customer service reflects you and your craft. DO NOT read books, check e-mail, talk on the phone, visit with friends, etc.



Monday, Sept. 30th (6:00pm) - 

Accepted Vendors mandatory meeting


Wednesday, Dec. 11th - Friday, Dec. 13th

BrickHouse will be closed in preparation for the sale. All hands are needed.


Friday, Dec. 13th

2 - 4 PM: Drop off/set up time 

5 - 9 PM: Sale/Opening Reception


Saturday, Dec. 14th

11 AM - 7 PM: Sale


Sunday, Dec. 15th 

12 - 5 PM: Sale

5 - 7 PM: Breakdown



The vendor fee for accepted vendors this year is $50, and is due by Monday, September 23rd. The fee will only be accepted through Zelle (

Pay online below.

SALES PAYMENT: You must sign up with Zelle pay in order to get paid for your sales. Go to:

SALES INFO: Each vendor is assigned a code number and given a stack of receipts. Your vendor code must be written on the upper left hand corner of all receipts. Your name must be on the lower left-hand side of the receipt.

All sale receipts must have the following:

  • Date
  • Vendor Code #
  • Name of craftsperson
  • Price of each item purchased
  • Subtotal of list of items


Once items are selected for purchase:

  • Fill out an itemized receipt and give all three copies to the customer
  • Once they have paid, the will receive two receipts back that are stamped PAID.
  • One receipt will be for the customer and the other one will be for the vendor to keep for your records.
  • You will then give the customer his/her merchandise.



All vendors are required to sign-up for a 4 hour volunteer shift, as well as a comittee.

  • Wednesday, Dec 11th (10am-7pm) – studio prep
  • Thursday, Dec 12th (10am-7pm) – studio prep
  • Friday, Dec 13th (10 am – 2pm) – studio prep
  • Sunday, Dec 15th (5pm-7pm) – clean up



  • Marketing committee
  • Decorating committee
  • Refreshment committee



Terms and Conditions

PREPARATION: There will be a meeting for all vendors accepted. Attendance to this meeting is REQUIRED. Failure to attend meeting will result in forfeiture of vendor space.


STUDIO PREPARATION/CLEAN UP: Vendors are required to volunteer for either setting up the studio before the sale or cleaning up after the sale. Failure to sign-up for a volunteer shift will result of forfeiture of vendor space.


PROPS: Vendors must provide all necessary sale props and fixtures.


TABLES, CHAIRS, AND MISC ITEMS: BrickHouse Ceramic Art Center will provide tables, tablecloths, chairs, bags, newsprint, receipts, decorations and marketing including: fliers, invitations, and advertising. NY State 5 cent paper bag fee will be divided by number of vendors and charged to vendors at the end of sale.


STAFFING: Vendors must be present at tables for the entire duration of the sale- NO EXCEPTIONS.


TABLE BREAK DOWN: Break down can start no sooner than 5:00 pm on Sunday and must be complete by 7:00 pm No vendor is to close before the official closing time. Before leaving, be sure your area is clean and trash free. Artists with gallery space need to have their work in BrickHouse prior set up on November 30th.


TABLE SET UP: All vendors must be set up and ready to sell by 4:00 PM the day of the 2021 Holiday Craft Sale. Artists may begin setting up at 2:00 PM the day of the Sale. You may NOT arrive before 2:00 PM on Friday December 8th  unless you are part of the studio set up team. You may not set up your table before 2:00 PM.


VENDOR SPACE: Vendor spaces will be assigned. Placement, flow, and competition will be taken into consideration to provide the best experience for sale attendees. If you have special space needs, please include your request with your application and we will make every effort to accommodate you. Spaces are reserved on a first come first served basis. Some vendors will be assigned shared tables.


CANCELLATION OF SPACE: Application fees are non-refundable. BrickHouse Ceramic Art Center is not liable if weather or other conditions prevent the vendor from attending and fulfilling the contractual obligation as a vendor. No refunds will be made for weather, accident, health, or other causes for non-participation.
